It basically means all of computer parts that we can see inside and outside of the computer.

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Random-access memory (RAM) is a form of computer data storage. Today, it takes the form of integrated circuits that allow stored data to be accessed in any order with a worst case performance of constant time. Strictly speaking, modern types of DRAM are therefore not random access, as data is read in bursts, although the name DRAM / RAM has stuck. However, many types of SRAM, ROM, OTP, and NOR flash are still random access even in a strict sense. RAM is often associated with volatile types of memory (such as DRAM memory modules), where its stored information is lost if the power is removed. Many other types of non-volatile memory are RAM as well, including most types of ROM and a type of flash memory called NOR-Flash. The first RAM modules to come into the market were created in 1951 and were sold until the late 1960s and early 1970s.

Other memory devices (magnetic tapes, disks) can access the storage data only in a predetermined order, because of mechanical design limitations.

Types of RAM

The two main forms of modern RAM are static RAM (SRAM) and dynamic RAM (DRAM). In static RAM, a bit of data is stored using the state of a flip-flop. This form of RAM is more expensive to produce, but is generally faster and requires less power than DRAM and, in modern computers, is often used as cache memory for the CPU. DRAM stores a bit of data using a transistor and capacitor pair, which together comprise a memory cell. The capacitor holds a high or low charge (1 or 0, respectively), and the transistor acts as a switch that lets the control circuitry on the chip read the capacitor's state of charge or change it. As this form of memory is less expensive to produce than static RAM, it is the predominant form of computer memory used in modern computers.

Both static and dynamic RAM are considered volatile, as their state is lost or reset when power is removed from the system. By contrast, Read-only memory (ROM) stores data by permanently enabling or disabling selected transistors, such that the memory cannot be altered. Writeable variants of ROM (such as EEPROM and flash memory) share properties of both ROM and RAM, enabling data to persist without power and to be updated without requiring special equipment. These persistent forms of semiconductor ROM include USB flash drives, memory cards for cameras and portable devices, etc. As of 2007, NAND flash has begun to replace older forms of persistent storage, such as magnetic disks and tapes, while NOR flash is being used in place of ROM in netbooks and rugged computers, since it is capable of true random access, allowing direct code execution.

ECC memory (which can be either SRAM or DRAM) includes special circuitry to detect and/or correct random faults (memory errors) in the stored data, using parity bits or error correction code.

In general, the term RAM refers solely to solid-state memory devices (either DRAM or SRAM), and more specifically the main memory in most computers. In optical storage, the term DVD-RAM is somewhat of a misnomer since, like CD-RW, a rewriteable DVD must be erased before it can be rewritten.

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Serial ATA Nedir?

Serial ATA, masaüstü bilgisayarlardaki, bazı sunuculardaki ve ağa bağlı depolama cihazlarındaki paralel ATA fiziksel depolama arabiriminin evrimleşmiş hali olarak düşünülebilir.

Spesifikasyon daha ince, daha esnek kabloların ve daha az iğne sayılarının kullanılmasına olanak veriyor. Bu dabilgisayar üreticilerinin sistemlerini yönlendirmesi ve kurulması kolay kablolarla tasarlamalarını sağlıyor. Bununla birlikte şu an kullanılan Paralel ATA teknolojisinden daha kolay, daha esnek anakart yönlendirmesini de olası kılıyor.

Serial ATA II ile daha da geliştirilecek olan teknoloji önümüzdeki yılların bilgisayarlarının ihtiyaç duyduğu depolama arabirimlerini sağlamaya aday.Serial ATA Çalışma Grubu şu anda silikon tasarımı, kablo/konektör, depolama gibi konularda dünya lideri olan 80'den fazla üye ile oldukça güçlü bir konumda bulunuyor.

Serial ATA'nın teknik özellikleri: SCSI arabirimine rakip

Bu teknolojinin performans değerlerinin ne olduğu hakkında çok net bilgi yok. Serial ATA'nın teorik olarak saniyede 600 Mbyte'lık bir veri transfer oranına ulaşılması gerekiyor. Buna karşın, arabirimi geliştiren grup, veri transfer hızının en az saniyede 150 Mbyte olacağını garanti ediyor.
Serial ATA, piyasada bulunan işletim sistemleriyle ve yazılımlarla uyumlu olmakla kalmıyor, master/slave konseptini de destekliyor. Bunu Paralel ATA'nın BUS topolojisi ile karıştırmamak gerek. Bu arabirim, daha çok yıldız topolojisine benziyor. Çünkü yıldız topolojisinde de olduğu gibi sistemler bire bir bağlanıyorlar. Ayrıca veri iletimi ve gönderimi, farklı veri yollarından yapılıyor. Nedeni ise, LVDS'nin, yani simetrik veri iletim tekniğinin kullanılması.

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In computing, a mouse is a pointing device that functions by detecting two-dimensional motion relative to its supporting surface. Physically, a mouse consists of an object held under one of the user's hands, with one or more buttons. It sometimes features other elements, such as "wheels", which allow the user to perform various system-dependent operations, or extra buttons or features that can add more control or dimensional input. The mouse's motion typically translates into the motion of a cursor on a display, which allows for fine control of a graphical user interface.

Optical and laser mice

Optical mice make use of one or more light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and an imaging array of photodiodes to detect movement relative to the underlying surface, rather than internal moving parts as does a mechanical mouse. A laser mouse is an optical mouse that uses coherent (laser) light.

Inertial and gyroscopic mice

Often called "air mice" since they do not require a surface to operate, inertial mice use a tuning fork or other accelerometer (US Patent 4787051) to detect rotary movement for every axis supported. The most common models (manufactured by Logitech and Gyration) work using 2 degrees of rotational freedom and are insensitive to spatial translation. The user requires only small wrist rotations to move the cursor, reducing user fatigue or "gorilla arm". Usually cordless, they often have a switch to deactivate the movement circuitry between use, allowing the user freedom of movement without affecting the cursor position. A patent for an inertial mouse claims that such mice consume less power than optically based mice, and offer increased sensitivity, reduced weight and increased ease-of-use. In combination with a wireless keyboard an inertial mouse can offer alternative ergonomic arrangements which do not require a flat work surface, potentially alleviating some types of repetitive motion injuries related to workstation posture.

3D mice

Also known as bats, flying mice, or wands, these devices generally function through ultrasound and provide at least three degrees of freedom. Probably the best known example would be 3DConnexion/Logitech's SpaceMouse from the early 1990s.

In the late 1990s Kantek introduced the 3D RingMouse. This wireless mouse was worn on a ring around a finger, which enabled the thumb to access three buttons. The mouse was tracked in three dimensions by a base station. Despite a certain appeal, it was finally discontinued because it did not provide sufficient resolution.

A recent consumer 3D pointing device is the Wii Remote. While primarily a motion-sensing device (that is, it can determine its orientation and direction of movement), Wii Remote can also detect its spatial position by comparing the distance and position of the lights from the IR emitter using its integrated IR camera (since the nunchuk accessory lacks a camera, it can only tell its current heading and orientation). The obvious drawback to this approach is that it can only produce spatial coordinates while its camera can see the sensor bar.

A mouse-related controller called the SpaceBall™ has a ball placed above the work surface that can easily be gripped. With spring-loaded centering, it sends both translational as well as angular displacements on all six axes, in both directions for each.

In November 2010 a German Company called Axsotic introduced a new concept of 3D mouse called 3D Spheric Mouse. This new concepts of a true 6 DOF input-device uses a ball to rotate in 3 axes without any limitations.

Tactile mice

In 2000, Logitech introduced the "tactile mouse", which contained a small actuator that made the mouse vibrate. Such a mouse can augment user-interfaces with haptic feedback, such as giving feedback when crossing a window boundary. To surf by touch requires the user to be able to feel depth or hardness; this ability was realized with the first electrorheological tactile mice but never marketed.

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What is Moore's Law?

Moore's law initially formulated by Gordon Moore, then Chairman of Intel, first appeared in a 1965 article in the 35th anniversary edition of Electronics, "Cramming more components onto integrated circuits." Moore's Law asserts that the complexity of minimum-cost semiconductor components has doubled regularly each year since the first prototype microchip was introduced in 1959.

Throughout the 80s and 90s, Moore's Law began to be rephrased by others in terms of the number of transistors that fit on a chip of fixed size, or the computational power per unit cost. This remarkable law has held strong at least up to the writing of this article, in 2005. In addition, a number of Moore's Law-type variants of exponential growth have appeared in the development of LED lights, resolution of brain scanning devices, mass use of inventions, number of genomes sequenced, availability of RAM, size of magnetic data storage, and fastest possible data transmission speed.

What makes the success of Moore's Law all the more fascinating is that Moore only had 6 years experience with microchips as a basis for his assertion, but nonetheless it has held for 40 additional years. The death of Moore's Law has been predicted multiple times, but it has kept chugging on. Industry experts expect a hiccup in Moore's Law around 2015, when conventional photolithographical techniques will reach their final limits.

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Qwerty Keyboard

The QWERTY keyboard has been in use since PC-compatible computers were standardized in the late 1980s. The actual design behind the keyboard goes back even further --- to 1873, when Christopher Latham Sholes sought a layout in which successive keystrokes would alternate between the left and right sides of the keyboard so as to prevent typebar jams. Such concerns aren't relevant anymore, which means that QWERTY keyboards may have outlived their use.

Although not a concern to many people, antique typewriters originally had the problem of jamming. This occurred when two letters that are close together were pressed in too quickly which caused them to bang together, usually jamming the machine. If the letters jammed too hard, it could even break the machine. This made original typewriters much less practical due to the amount of care that had to be taken to prevent letters from clashing. To prevent the issue, the QWERTY keyboard arranges the keys that were most commonly struck away from each other, preventing them from clashing and jamming.
The world over---at least in areas that speak the English language---QWERTY keyboards are the standard. Since their invention over 130 years ago, QWERTY keyboards have evolved. As typewriter technology advanced, so did the QWERTY keyboard. During the latter half of the 20th century as the advent of computers occurred, the spread of QWERTY keyboards once again occurred. Although the QWERTY method always dominated over any potential competitive inventions, its dominant use with the spread of computers---which almost every English speaking man, woman and child learns to type on in school---was sealed. Today, even many mobile devices utilize the QWERTY method.


The QWERTY keyboard was designed so that the most frequently used keys would be placed away from one another. While that proved useful for dealing with typewriters, many people argue that it's ineffective. In "The Dvorak Keyboard," Dr. August Dvorak claimed that typing common letter combinations requires making awkward and uncomfortable finger movements. In addition, most typing on a QWERTY keyboard is completed with the left hand, when in fact most people are right-handed.
The below one is the Dvorak Keyboard :

Dr. August Dvorak also argued that the QWERTY keyboard layout is inefficient. He claimed that 30 percent of QWERTY keyboard typing is performed on the lower rows, which are the hardest to reach. Furthermore, another 52 percent of typing is performed on the topmost row, which forces typists to move their fingers further away from the home row.

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Difference Between Logic Board & Motherboard

The logic board is a circuit board in an Apple Macintosh computer; in other brands of computers it is known as a motherboard. The logic board houses the crucial components of the computer system and provides connectivity for peripheral devices.

PCMag explains that a logic board is a "printed circuit board that contains logic circuits." Logic boards are plastic boards, usually green, with circuits, chips and other hardware attached to them. They house the essential components of a computer system: the microprocessor, the central processing unit (CPU), RAM and ROM memory, and the logic and ports for connecting peripheral devices such as a mouse, video display and audio devices. Logic boards contain slots (sockets) for connecting microprocessors, slots for expansion cards, slots for the RAM and ROM memory chips, a chipset interface, a clock for synchronizing the various systems, a battery, a reset button and power connectors.
As the heart of a PC, the logic board receives and broadcasts information, with the added function of coordinating various computing systems and providing the logic and connectivity for attaching peripheral devices. Without a logic board, a PC would be nothing more than a box of sophisticated but unconnected, uncoordinated circuitry, expensive but useless.
The term "Logic board" was coined by Apple in the early 1980s for the motherboards in their Macintosh computers. The phrase stuck, and they are still called logic boards to this day despite being basically the same thing as a motherboard.
A "Motherboard" is a more generic term for the same thing as a logic board. The only notable difference is a logic board is generally considered to be Macintosh, whereas a motherboard could be a Mac, PC or any other computer. The same components plug into both, like CPU, RAM, graphics cards, hard drives and optical drives.

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Parallel Port

The parallel port is found on the back of IBM compatible computers and is a 25-pin (type DB-25) computer interface commonly used to connect printers to the computer. Below is an example of the DB25 interface found on the back of the computer.

Computer parallel port


In the above graphic of a parallel port you can notice the DB25 parallel port connection is easy to identify and is often the biggest connection on the back of the computer. The connection is in the shape of the letter D, is a female connector, and has 25 pins.

Parallel port modes

The computer is capable of having the parallel port run at different modes depending on your needs and available resources. Some of these modes include: IEEE-1284 (Auto), Centronics mode, Nibble mode, Unidirectional (SPP), Bi-directional, EPP, and ECP.

Additional technical information

The DB25 connector has an 8-bit data bus, supported a maximum cable length of 15 feet; although there are 50 foot cables, it is not recommended that these cables be used as it can create poor connection and data signals. Below is additional information about each of the pins on this connector. Pin 1 through 25 identified in the image above.

Pin 1-Strobe
Pin 2+Data Bit 0
Pin 3+Data Bit 1
Pin 4+Data Bit 2
Pin 5+Data Bit 3
Pin 6+Data Bit 4
Pin 7+Data Bit 5
Pin 8+Data Bit 6
Pin 9+Data Bit 7
Pin 10-Acknowledge
Pin 11+Busy
Pin 12+Paper End
Pin 13+Select
Pin 14-Auto Feed
Pin 15-Error
Pin 16-Initialize Printer
Pin 17-Select Input
Pin 18-Data Bit 0 Return (GND)
Pin 19-Data Bit 1 Return (GND)
Pin 20-Data Bit 2 Return (GND)
Pin 21-Data Bit 3 Return (GND)
Pin 22-Data Bit 4 Return (GND)
Pin 23-Data Bit 5 Return (GND)
Pin 24-Data Bit 6 Return (GND)
Pin 25-Data Bit 7 Return (GND)

Below is an explanation of each of the above purposes.

Pin1 = Data acknowledgement when the signal is low.
Pin 2 - 9 = Data transfer pins.
Pin 10 = Acknowledge that the data has finished processing and when the signal is high indicates ready for more.
Pin 11 = When the signal goes high indicate that the printer has accepted the data and is processing it. Once this signal goes low and Pin 10 goes high will accept additional data.
Pin 12 = Printer paper jam when signal is high or no signal if printer jam.
Pin 13 = When high signal printer is indicating that it is on-line and ready to print.
Pin 14 = When low signal PC has indicated that the printer inset a line feed after each line.
Pin 15 = Printer sends data to the computer telling it that an error has occurred.
Pin 16 = When low signal PC has requested that the printer initiate an internal reset.
Pin 17 = When low signal the PC has selected the printer and should in return prepare for data being sent.
Pin 18 - 25 = Ground.

What is the parallel port used for?

Today, the parallel port has widely been replaced by the USB port. However, below is a listing of various hardware components that can be purchased and used with the parallel port.

Printer - The most common use for the Parallel port.

Scanner - Another commonly used parallel device is the Parallel scanner. Parallel scanners are a popular alternative to SCSI scanners because of how easy they are to install.

External Drives - Another popular use of the Parallel ports are external drives such as theIomega Zip Drive, which can be easily removed from one computer and placed onto another.

Apple computers

The Apple Macintosh computers use SCSI as its interface, which is parallel, but a lot more flexible when compared to the parallel port used with IBM compatible computers. Apple computers have never used a parallel port.

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